Yoga for the abs - exercising your stomach with yoga

14:24 / Posted by kreid /

As you would already know, yoga is one of the major parts of any wellness routine. Practicing yoga can help you to reduce stress while at the same time exercise your body. You can also incorporate yoga in your stomach exercises which target the midsection. In yoga a number of positions or asanas exercise your stomach muscles. Do remember that in yoga there are several more advanced positions or asanas. As such you should always start with the easier ones first before working your way to the more complex positions. Asses your skill and comfort level before you try a certain asana. Don't take any risks. Start with one that is simple and work your way up to ones that are more complex once you have the strength and flexibility. And as always, with any exercise routine, do consult a professional before you begin and always spare some time for warm up to avoid any injury.


This is a stomach exercising asana. First lie on your back. You can opt for a towel or a mat to cushion your spine. Now bend both knees up to you chest until your thigh touches your stomach. Next, hug your knees in place and lock your fingers. Then lift up your head until your nose touches your knees. Take a deep breath and hold this position for thirty seconds. Now slowly release and lower yourself back to the starting position. You can also opt to do this exercise one leg at a time.


For this exercise, you start by lying on your stomach. Next place your hands underneath your shoulders. Now, raise your upper body off the ground by using your back muscles. Raise yourself until your head is upright. You must make sure not to push with your hands, as you want your back muscles to do the work. Hold yourself in this position for about thirty seconds before slowly lowering yourself back to starting position. Now in this exercise, even though you are making use of your back muscles to do all the work, this asana will help you to reduce your belly fat and helps to flatten your stomach.

The Bow

This is somewhat similar to the previous asana. You start with lying on your stomach. The difference is that in addition to curling your legs upward, you will also lift you upper torso. First bend your knees so that your feet come towards your head. With both hands, grab your ankles and pull with your hands while at the same time pushing with your legs. Do this so that only your stomach is on the floor. You should feel like you're making a circle. Keep your knees together throughout. Now hold this position for thirty seconds and then slowly release and return to your starting position.


Ok, this next asana is not as complicated as the name sounds. However, you do need to be flexible to be able to perform this asana. Start by lying on your back and having your arms overhead and legs straight. Extend all your limbs. You are now straight from head to toe. Next place your palms flat pointing up to the ceiling, and put your hands together. Now, contract your stomach muscles so that you can sit up, while keeping your back straight and your heads still over your head. Then, bend forward and grab your toes, placing your head in between your arms. Your face will touch your knees. Hold this position for about two minutes and then slowly release.

As you can see, yoga can help you to achieve that lean stomach that you've always wanted. Practice these asanas and you'll be on your way to a fitter and slimmer tummy.

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