Too intimidated to join a gym?

14:08 / Posted by kreid / comments (0)

People have many reasons for avoiding joining a gym. Perhaps in these difficult economic times, it's just too expensive. Maybe they're too busy with work or family. Or it could be the case that they would love to go, but there is no gym near them. Or perhaps it's just that the gym is too far away.

Well, there's not much I can do about these problems. (If you can't afford a gym membership, you can make the most of the various exercises you can do at home.) But there's another issue that a lot of people, particaularly women, have with gyms - they are intimidated. By the machines, by the open space, or by the other people.

While you may be reluctant to admit it, it still holds true – everyone is, to a certain degree, intimidated by the gym. The idea of walking through a wide open space with dozens if not hundreds of pieces of machinery that you’re unfamiliar with is enough to cause reluctance. However, add to this the fact that you will be working out in front of people and it becomes more daunting.

Fortunately, there are a variety of choices for you when it comes to selecting a gym to workout and each of these gyms offer a different kind of atmosphere. You need to find a gym that is appealing to both you and your experience level. You may prefer a women-only gym - Curves is an example of such a gym. Some gyms offer women-only fitness classes. It's up to you to do your research into what a potential gym offers.

So you that know how to find a gym that where you can feel comfortable, let's consider the reasons why you may find gyms intimidating. For each of the folowing reasons, think about whether this is an issue for you, and find a gym that counterbalances your fears.

Open spaces and strangers

Many people are shy when it comes to getting red-faced and sweaty in front of strangers. This is where a large gym with a wide open space of viewing may not be ideal for you. Typically, health clubs have rows of cardio machines lined up across the floor of one major room. You can see dozens of people working out, and dozens of people can see you. If this is a problem, you amy want to wear looser fitting clothes - remember, the gym is not a fashion show. Those who think it is are there for the wrong reasons, and their opinion is worth nothing. Keep a tight schedule of exercise - this willl focus your mind elsewhere; and once you have been a few times, you will not be embarrassesd at all.

Getting to know the ropes

The problem - You are usually given a quick tour by the salesperson, but you may not know what any of the machinery is. You may not know the rules for each piece of equipment. Do you have to wipe each piece of equipment down after use? Are time limits, etc? If you have a friend who goes to the gym, tag along with them for the first couple of times. If not, make sure you ask for an induction. Some gyms offer dedicated personal trainers - having their advice and support during training sessions will get your confidence up very quickly.

Pushy salespeople

If you want to keep a low profile going to the gym, a chatty salesperson who tries to charm you into joining won't help. While there are some health clubs that aren’t pushy, some encourage their salespeople to get you to sign on a dotted line for a contract. This means that some gym salespeople will say anything to get you to sign. Don't be forced to sign anything out of politeness and always read the small print. If you didn't like what you saw or heard, make your excuses and leave. Shop around in the same way you would if you were buying a used car - try to get the best value for your money.

The hot bodies

If you go to a gym there is some part of your body that you want to improve. You may be a little bit overweight, or you may be a lot overweight. Regardless, it’s hard to workout and get a rhythm when there are hotties with perfect abs working out beside you. It’s important though, to remember that everyone was a beginner at one point of their gym-going lives. You're all in the same boat. I have never experienced any negative perception of someone at a gym just because of their weight, age or appearance. People at the gym are just ordinary people off the street. By going to the gym you demonstrate that you are also interested in your fitness and appearance. And isn't sharing a common interest the best way to make new friends.

If you’ve looked and can’t find a gym that works for you, you can always consider private health clubs, wellness centers, and as always, you can just workout at home.

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Get fit with a jump rope workout

23:49 / Posted by kreid / comments (1)

Most of us used jump ropes or skipping ropes when we were younger, but did you know that it is actually an awesome overall cardiovascular workout? It is at the core of all boxers' training regimes. If you'd like to get in on the action and have some fun while losing weight and getting fit, why not try a jump rope workout?

Always wear side-supported cross training sneakers or trainers. Running shoes are not designed to let you bounce on the balls of your feet. Avoid jumping on hard surfaces, like tiles or concrete. If you don't have a sprung or carpeted floor, place a thin exercise mat on whatever surface you want to use.

Muscle Groups worked in a Jump Rope Workout

Jumping rope will work every muscle in your body. After your first intense jump rope workout, you will be aching. Jumping rope will help you in your quest to get super-ripped abs. Your core muscles also getworked very hard, since you have to use your abs continuously to stabilize your entire body and to power the short sharp steps or jumps.

Interval training with ajump rope

You can burns lots of fat by doing interval training. Try performing high intensity cardio for 30-60 seconds or so, followed by a minute or two of walking or low intensity cardio. This is called High Intensity Interval Training. Jumping rope is ideally suited to short bursts of high energy action. As you practice, you will be able to get faster and more intense in these bursts of 30-60 seconds.

A 20 minute Jump Rope Workout that you can tailor to suit you

  • Stand in front of a clock - you will use this to time yourself

  • Rest for 30 seconds

  • Jump rope as quickly as possible for 60 seconds

  • Rest for 30 seconds. Do as many ab-crunches you can for 1 minute at a steady pace

  • Jump Rope as quickly as possible for 60 seconds

  • Rest for 30 seconds. Do as many push-ups as possible in 1 minute

  • Repeat this pattern for 20 minutes

You can alternate rounds of skipping with crunches and push-ups until you've completed 20 minutes or more of exercise. After the second or third round of skipping, your heart rate won't drop that much during the crunches and push-ups.

You might not be able to do more than a few intervals of push-ups. Use any exercise you want during for the minute sessions in between skipping/jumping-rope. Try doing squats and lunges (with or without weights) to give your larger leg muscles (quads and hamstrings) some extra work. Do upper-body exercises with dumbbells during that minute. (Use proper form. Don't rush.) One more thing: Skipping rope emphasizes your calves, so be careful to stretch them beforehand.

Another advantage of a jump rope / skipping rope is that you can take one anywhere. If you workout at home, or you're traveling and don't have access to a gym, you can use your jump rope.

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Lunges for an awesome leg workout

13:24 / Posted by kreid / comments (0)

Walking lunges are hands down one of the greatest leg exercises you can do.

The reason they are so high up on the list is because you not only get a fantastic leg workout, but you are also working on your flexibility at the same time. Each lunge forces your body to stretch into a lowered position that really allows the hip flexors of the back leg to elongate. That means you get strength, conditioning, toning, and flexibility benefits from just this one exercise.

How to do walking lunges:
1. Hold dumbbells by your sides with your palms facing towards your body
2. Lunge forward with one leg and allow both knees to bend
3. Lunge as deep as you can comfortably
4. Push back up and forward through the front leg’s heel
5. Repeat with the opposite leg walking forward for 12-16 total repetitions

Tips to Remember:
1. Keep your shoulder blades pulled back and your chin parallel to the floor the entire set
2. Do not let your front knee go over the front foot when lunging
3. Breathe in on the way down and out on the way up
4. Start out with no weight if need be
5. Keep your arms by your sides throughout each repetition

If you are new to these, try them without weight for your first few times and concentrate on form. If you are a pro at these, add some weight.

If you are doing these at the gym, don’t try to lunge around corners. You don’t want to take a chance of getting out of alignment.

One additional tip for the all the fitness divas out there - Take these outside for an additional challenge - but not just anywhere. Find a hill! Walking lunges uphill anyone?!

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Yoga fitness - lose weight through yoga

12:01 / Posted by kreid / comments (0)

If you are like a lot of people, you have potentially considered beginning an exercise program to help lose weight. Many of us claim that yoga will help with weight reduction, and while many have shed pounds thanks to yoga, others do not believe that such a gentle form of exercise will help them to reach their weight reduction goals.

It is widely recognized that yoga helps to develop flexibility by stretching muscles and promotes a more balanced approach to life that will also help with stress reduction, but in the area of weight reduction yoga's benefits aren't as clear.

The reality is that yoga students do lose weight from practicing yoga; but that weight reduction is not a consequence of strenuous exercise as yoga is a particularly gentle way to tone your body. The weight loss from doing yoga is a consequence of welcoming the principles of yoga that help to reduce stress.

A lifestyle that is balanced and free from stress is conducive to weight reduction, since you can easily manage a healthy diet and make lifestyle decisions. Stress has been proven as a reason for weight gain, so an exercise that aims to alleviate stress will eliminate this weight gain risk factor from your life.

Although the physical facet of yoga is not strenuous, it does keep your body healthy, flexible, and in shape. Though we may not know precisely how yoga causes weight reduction, you may use yoga to lose weight.

In order to shed pounds, you must eat healthily and burn energy by doing exercises that raises your heart rate on a consistent basis. Some kinds of yoga, like Iyengar, in which yoga poses are held for a bit with a resting period between each pose, will build muscles and enhance your posture, but will not give you the heart workout that you need in order to shed the additional pounds.

Ashtanga yoga is a very powerful style of practice with some distinct benefits for those who desire to shed pounds. Ashtanga practitioners are among the most dedicated of yoga learners, and amateurs are commonly inspired to sign in for a chain of classes that may give incentive to losing weight. Another advantage is that upon learning the poses, Ashtanga yoga is perfect for home practitioners.

Another form of yoga that can help lose weight is Power Yoga. This type of yoga is extremely preferred, as it offers an extraordinarily powerful cardio workout. Yet another from of yoga that can help in shedding pounds is Vinyasa Yoga. This is done in a hot room and ups the ante by guaranteeing that you will sweat buckets.

If you intend to make yoga your first form of exercise, you may do a powerful 90-minute yoga class at least three times a week. Many people also decide to mix yoga with running, walking or other aerobic exercise to reach their weight reduction goals.

Yoga may not be the quickest way to shed weight but you can notice plenty of benefits after you start a yoga program. The advantages of yoga will definitely have an affect on your whole life and help you to find balance between your body and mind. No other exercise program encompasses so many facets of life and serves to create balance that may help you to live a healthy way of life conducive to weight reduction.

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Can caffeine lessen muscle pain and soreness?

21:40 / Posted by kreid / comments (0)

An interesting article from Reuters. Comments please :)

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A couple cups of coffee before a tough workout may lower the chances of sore muscles later on, a small study suggests.

The researchers found that young men who performed an intense bout of cycling had less muscle soreness when they took a pre-workout dose of caffeine.

What's more, the benefits were seen in both habitual caffeine consumers and those who typically shunned caffeine, the researchers report in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.

The findings add to evidence from earlier studies showing that caffeine may help prevent that familiar muscle soreness that strikes during and after a particularly tough or new exercise routine.

In theory, caffeine may limit muscle pain by blocking the activity of a chemical called adenosine. Adenosine is released as part of the inflammatory response to injury and can activate pain receptors in body cells.

These latest findings suggest that caffeine could be a safe way for exercisers to pre-empt muscle soreness, senior researcher Robert W. Motl, a professor of kinesiology and community health at the University of Illinois in Champaign, told Reuters Health.

The study included 25 physically fit college-age men, about half of whom normally consumed little to no caffeine. The rest typically consumed at least 400 milligrams of caffeine per day -- the equivalent of three to four cups of coffee.

Motl's team had the men pedal on a stationary bike for two high-intensity, 30-minute sessions. On one occasion, the men were given a dose of caffeine equivalent to two to three cups of coffee one hour before the workout; on the other, they were given a placebo pill instead.

In general, the researchers found, the men reported less thigh-muscle pain with caffeine compared with placebo. Since there was no difference between habitual caffeine consumers and non-consumers, people may not build up a tolerance to the pain-dampening effects of caffeine.

According to Motl, exercisers might want to consider a shot of caffeine before a particularly tough or new workout -- or if they are going to perform exercise that has left them with next-day soreness in the past.

SOURCE: International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, April 2009.

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Firm, flat abs - top 3 ways to tone your stomach

21:15 / Posted by kreid / comments (0)

What lady doesn't want flat, firm abs and a sexy stomach?

What busy woman and mom doesn't want to lose stomach fat and finally feel good wearing her swimsuit or tight tank top and skinny jeans?

I can count on one hand the number of women I've trained who were totally satisfied with their stomachs, and I've been training women for years and have logged thousands of personal training sessions.

But what does it take to get that flat, firm stomach? How does a woman lose stomach fat? Does she really need to do lots of crunches, buy the latest gizmo, follow some weird diet or go on mind-numbingly boring walks or jogs with her friends?

In short, no. I'm going to reveal to you the top 3 secrets to flat, firm abs for ladies. Follow them and you will lose stomach fat and you will have that flat sexy tummy you want.

#1. Nutrition is Key.

You really can't overlook nutrition. You're probably saying to yourself "No kidding, smart guy.", but I'm serious. No workout will ever outperform a bad eating plan, no matter how tough the workout plan may be. You just can't look past your nutrition.

That doesn't mean that you need to eat like a bird, nor does it mean you need to stick with some crazy fad diet that your co-worker, sister, mom, or the other moms at the park told you about.

You need to eat sensibly and you need to eat more than you think. First you need to cut out all the processed carbohydrates found in boxes and bags, yes that includes all those so-called "healthy" crackers and snacks. Most are wolves in sheep's clothing that will do nothing but make you gain fat, especially stomach fat.

You need to consume lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. You may have heard that fruits make you fat because they've got too much sugar, but that's a total lie. I've never known anyone who eats lots of fruit and gets fat. Quite the contrary, everyone I know who eats lots of fresh fruit is very lean with very little body fat and the majority of them have flat, firm stomachs that look awesome in tank-tops and swimsuits. So stick with fresh fruits and veggies if you want to lose stomach fat and get that flat, firm stomach.

You also need to make sure you're getting enough protein. That doesn't mean you need to eat tons of meat, though. You can get plenty of protein by consuming lots of healthy nuts and legumes like almonds, peanuts, black and white beans, etc.

Whole-grains are also a good source of protein as is soy.

However if you're going to get your protein from meat sources or dairy, just make sure it's low in fat and if at all possible organic.

#2. Switch from long steady-state boring cardio to interval training.

Long, steady state cardio is a favorite for ladies wanting to lose stomach fat and get that firm, flat stomach. I always see women out on the sidewalks, streets and bike trails with their friends walking for hours upon hours everyday hoping to get rid of their stomach fat, yet most of them look the same today as they did a couple months ago.

That's because long, steady state cardio as a means to lose stomach fat is a thing of the past, especially for a busy woman like you.

There's a better way and that better way is through interval training.

Doing interval training doesn't mean you have to turn yourself into some kind of world-class sprinter or "hardcore" athlete. It just means you have to step up your intensity every 60-90 seconds and work harder.

Say you like to jog for your cardio. That's fine, just intermix bouts of running harder for a period of 30 seconds every 90 seconds and repeat that cycle about 6 times and you're done...after your warm-up of course. If you do it correctly, you'll have worked your tail off and jacked your metabolism up for the rest of the day helping you to lose stomach fat even while you're not working out!

#3. Stop doing so many crunches and sit-ups!

Endless amounts of crunches, sit-ups, twists, leg lifts, etc. will do little to nothing when it comes to getting rid of your tummy fat and getting that flat, firm stomach you've always wanted.

Actually they'll do practically nothing, despite what the advertisements and so-called experts tell you.

To lose stomach fat and get that flat, firm tummy you have to burn the layer of fat off your stomach and doing so means that you have to combine the first two tips I just gave you and limit the number of crunches you do in favor of full-body workouts and full-body exercises.

You can't spot reduce. When your body burns fat, it doesn't just burn it from one spot, it burns it from everywhere. So it should make sense that to burn the most fat you need to move the most muscle and crunches move very little muscle.

You should instead stick to exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, etc. Those exercises work lots of muscle, which means they burn lots of calories and will have that layer of fat burned off your stomach in no time giving you that firm sexy stomach you've always wanted.

So take my advice and follow those 3 tips and before you know it, you'll be able to fit into that bikini, buy those skinny jeans and wear that sexy tank top because you'll be rid of your stomach fat and finally have that firm and flat stomach.

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Dance aerobics - a routine you can't afford to miss

13:37 / Posted by kreid / comments (0)

It wasn't so long ago that exercising was a necessary evil. The benefits of exercising were known, but it was difficult to get motivated. In large part, this lack of motivation was due to the boredom of exercise routines that were available. Often the only exercise options that were available were biking, walking, use of the treadmill, jogging, weightlifting, etc.

Then it seemed that fitness centers became popular. Often the fitness centers would try to incorporate entertainment such as television viewing or the availability of personal trainers. These features and services were designed to make exercising more popular and motivate the individual to develop a daily routine.

Today, there is an exercise regimen that not only makes it fun to exercise, but also provides an excellent aerobic exercise workout. This exciting new program is a dancing aerobics exercise routine.

History Of The Aerobics Exercise Routine

The aerobics routine has evolved from the original dance oriented exercise programs of the 1980's. These earlier exercise programs, that incorporated dance movements, were comprised of dance routines that were often complicated. In addition, these routines utilized movements that were fluid in motion and did not necessarily provide much in the way of physical benefits.

In contrast, the dancing aerobics routine of today is comprised of minimal dance steps and the movements are more athletic in nature. This shift in focus has made the dance aerobics exercise routine more popular today. In fact, because of the athleticism involved, the popularity of the aerobics exercise routine has spilled over into the professional athletic arena.


The popularity of the dance aerobics exercise routine has increased due to many factors. One of these factors is the music that is typically part of the program. This music has a very strong beat and is uplifting. These factors blend together to motivate the participant to perform the aerobics exercise routine as well as looking forward to each session. These two resulting benefits are the keys to the success of any exercise program.

Stages Of The Routine

There are three different stages that can be part of an aerobics exercise routine. In particular they are the low and high impact type or a combination of the two types.

The low impact type is designed to lesson the stress placed on the lower extremities and feet. Specifically, the steps are designed so that either one of the feet remains in contact with the ground at all times. Through this process the likelihood of injuries such as shin splints are minimized. However, being of the low impact type, the aerobics exercise routine is not as vigorous and therefore does not increase the heart level to the optimum rate.

A high impact aerobics exercise routine is the exact opposite. This routine seldom calls for any movements that require one foot to remain on the ground. In addition, these routines are very aggressive and increase the heart rate so that a maximum aerobic workout is achieved. The caution in doing a high-impact aerobics exercise routine is the possibility of being injured. Injury may result from the impact experienced when the feet hit the surfaces of the exercise area. This risk can be minimized through the use of good aerobic footwear as well as exercising on specially designed floors that absorb the shock.

The best aerobics exercise routine to participate in is that routine that combines the high impact and the low impact exercises. This combination of impact exercises is the most popular as it combines a warm up period for the participant performing the low impact exercise and then increases the heart rate through the high impact routine.

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Choosing the right aerobics clothing

13:27 / Posted by kreid / comments (0)

If you enjoy working out and do aerobics on a regular basis, did you know that the wrong aerobics wear can negatively affect your workout? It's true. Aerobic wear is an essential part of the aerobic workout, and when the wrong attire is worn, it can be plain uncomfortable.

So what do you look for? When you are shopping for the right clothing to wear for your aerobics workout, it is crucial to get clothing that fits loosely and will allow for free airflow. Do not choose tight-fitting garments, regardless of what you perceive the current fashion craze to be. With tight-fitting aerobics wear, your range of motion and movements will be restricted, which will render the exercise much less effective than it could be.

Do you need "special clothes"? Not at all. Many people prefer to just put on a sweat suit and go to the exercise class. This type of aerobics wear is usually lightweight, loose fitting, and made from breathable material. But if you feel that you need to look a bit more stylish as you leave the house for your aerobics class, you have a wide variety of aerobic wear to add some flair to your workout.

The appropriate kind of active wear in available in many different styles and sizes, and also many designs in almost every color of the rainbow. I suggest visiting a major sporting goods store which will allow you to browse their aisles and racks of aerobic wear that might catch your eye. You can usually choose from many things to expand your workout wardrobe, including shorts, shirts, sweatpants, tanktops, and shoes. Just remember that you want these to fit comfortably, loosely, and made from material that permits free airflow.

If you are a very common size, you could shop on the Internet, since that will allow you to view many options from many vendors. Sometimes these online vendors will have "buy 1 get 1 free" specials, and perhaps free shipping as well. If you wish to conserve gas and shop from home online, that is not a bad decision.

Articles can be bought separately as individual garments, or can also be available as a combination in two or three piece outfits. Purchasing pieces individually allows you to mix and match your most complimentary colors, but if you are lacking in fashion coordination skills, then perhaps a combo purchase is best for you. Aerobic wear "sets" usually have tops and matched bottoms, and even sometimes a matching lightweight jacket. If you also get some articles in neutral colors, this will periodically allow you to add new items of aerobic wear as older articles wear out or get torn.

Don't forget about the shoes, which are critically important. Good and proper aerobic shoes should not be tight but should fit comfortably. The type of shoe you get is determined by the type of exercises that comprise your regular routine. You may think that the price of aerobic shoes is a bit steep, but consider the price of suffering from sore feet if you wear the wrong type of shoes.

What you decide to wear when you are exercising does not have to be dull or drab, but there is also no reason that it needs to cost a small fortune. In just one afternoon of informed shopping, you should be able to put together a very stylish and yet economical aerobic wear wardrobe that will be very adequate for your goal to be fit, trim, and healthy.

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Gym free exercise - work out at home

13:18 / Posted by kreid / comments (0)

The reality of our busy lives is that many people aren't able to get to the gym! With little time to regularly visit their local gym, where else can you train? If this is true for you, then you need to start thinking of ways to achieve your workout without a gym.

Gym-free fitness is easy once you stop thinking along traditional lines. Sure, you won't be able to join a class, or have a huge range of resistance machines available to you, but there are still plenty of options.

Probably the easiest way to start thinking about gym-free fitness is to consider walking or running. Taking a walk or a run three times a week for at least twenty minutes is a great base for overall conditioning - and research has shown that it doesn't even have to be all in one go - two half-hour walks are just as beneficial as a one hour walk. Try to incorporate it into your schedule - walking to and from work, or down to the local shops, etc. The key is the intensity - to work, it has to be a brisk walk, not a stroll.

In the home there are many options available - you could do some stair climbing, put on your favourite music and dance, use a keep fit video of some kind (aerobics, yoga, pilates etc), or even get some equipment and have your own mini health club.

A few dumbbells of the right weight will allow you to do a whole range of exercise for the whole body. Furthermore, there are several key exercise that require no more than your own weight - push-ups, dips on a chair, squats (one-legged squats are awesome), and of course, abdominal exercises.

The beauty of doing these at home is that you can do them whenever you want throughout the day, even in the evening in front of the TV. It's amazing how much quicker a set of abs crunches goes when you're engrossed in Desperate Housewives.

The key to working out at home is to be imaginative, and to be consistent. Once you start to look for ways to workout at home, it becomes easy.

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Exercises for toning hips

12:42 / Posted by kreid / comments (0)

It's every woman's dream; shapely hip muscles. From a human anatomy point of view, women tend to have larger hips relative to the waist (unlike men) since women tend to store higher amounts of body fat in the hip, buttocks and thighs.

Each person is different and fat gets stored in the body in a certain order. That order is determined by gender and genetics. It's a myth that women can selectively lose fat in the hip region. In fact, 'spot reduction' is something that advertisers use to prey on unsuspecting customers desperate to try anything to shape up certain areas of the body. You have probably wasted time and money on gadgets, weight loss creams and other gimmicks. When one loses weight, the 'reduction' is general i.e all over the body, but never in one 'spot'. Think of the body as if it was a balloon, which inflates and deflates every time, you gain / lose weight.

Here's the good news: specific exercises for the hip, as outlined below will help tone the hip muscles (but not spot reduce them). The following exercise routine has been designed to tone the hip muscles. It works best when combined with an aerobic exercise program and a healthy diet.

Combining hip toning exercises with a well rounded aerobic exercise and weight training program requires more energy and more strength. Your body responds to high intensity exercises by adding lean muscle. This increases the rate at which the body burns calories and helps use up excess stored fat. You can burn more calories by doing a variety of activities, and mixing up the exercises, intensity and duration every 2-3 weeks. All weight training exercises are not created equal. Exercises that involve large muscle groups such as squats and lunges for your legs, bench presses for your chest, overhead presses for your shoulders and lat pull-downs for your back build more muscle mass. A combination of cardiovascular exercise and weight lifting will make you stronger and leaner. This kind of effort takes time, but the results are permanent.

The following routine has been specially designed for toning hip muscles. For best results, start with 15-20 repetitions and one set. Increase gradually to 2 sets. Complete the routine at least 2 times a week and you will see results within the first few weeks. These numbers are general guidelines. For best results, consult a personal trainer. If you have any injuries or medical ailments, please obtain a physicians clearance before starting any exercise program.

Side Lying Hip Raises: Hip toning.
Starting Position: Lie on your left side on a mat with the legs straight. Support your heard in your hands and keep the left leg bent. Movement: Slowly raise the right leg 8-12 inches up in the air, keeping the knee straight. Lower it gradually. Complete 15-20 repetitions and repeat on the opposite side. To make this exercise harder, you can try using weight cuffs around the ankles. Start with 1 lb and work your way up to 5 lbs within 4-6 weeks. Another way to make the exercise harder is to raise the leg and then trace large circles clockwise 10 times, followed by another 10 repetitions anticlockwise.

Seated Hip Toning: Hip toning.
Starting Position: Sit on an exercise matt with your legs together and your palms on the matt for support. Movement: Lift your right foot 8-12 inches off of the matt. Point your toes and moving only at your ankle trace a large circle in the air. Complete fifteen circles clockwise and fifteen circles counter clockwise. Repeat as required on other side. To make this exercise harder, you can try using weight cuffs around the ankles. Start with 1 lb and work your way up to 5 lbs within 4-6 weeks. Another way to make the exercise harder is to trace smaller circles.

Standing Single Leg Wall Squat (Advanced): Hip And Thigh Toning.
This is an advanced exercise since it shapes the hips and thighs. Starting Position: - Place your upper back against a smooth wall. Stand on one foot and lean back against the wall. Movement: - Inhale, keeping your heel in contact with the floor at all times, slowly lower into a squat position while sliding down the wall. Exhale as you slowly straighten your leg, keeping your head and chest up, returning to the starting position. Repeat as required. This is an advanced exercise. Please discontinue the exercises if you have any pain and consult a physician prior to this exercise routine if you have a history of hip or knee pain.

Standing Single Leg Dumbbell Squats (Advanced): Hip And Thigh Toning.
Starting Position:- Stand on one leg with a slight bend in your knees. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and allow them to hang down at your sides. Movement: - Inhale, keeping your heel in contact with the floor at all times, slowly lower into a squat position. Exhale as you slowly straighten your leg, keeping your head and chest up, returning to the starting position. Repeat as required. You can start with 2 lb dumbbells and work your way up to 5 lbs within 3-4 weeks.

Lying Leg Bridge: Hip Toning.
Starting Position:- On an exercise matt, lie with your feet on a plank or a board with a 4-6 inch elevation. Keep the knees bent and both feet flat on the floor. Lay your hands on the matt palms down on either side of your body for support. Movement: - Exhale as you push your hips up into the air, keeping your spine straight. Hold this position as long as you can, continuously keeping your hips in the air. Lower slowly. Repeat for 15 to 20 repetitions.

Lying Face Down Plank: Hip, Thigh And Ab Toning.
Starting Position: Get on an exercise matt on all fours, with your elbows touching the matt directly underneath your shoulders. Extend your legs back as far as you can, and keep the toes on the floor. Movement: Raise the hips up and hold yourself in this 'plank position' with your back completely flat. This is an excellent exercise for the hips, thighs and abdominal muscles. Since it involves so many muscles, it is strenuous in nature. Lower the hips slowly down to the mat. Repeat for 15-20 repetitions. (Most individuals find it hard to complete 15-20 reps for this exercise and 8-10 might be a more suitable starting point).

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7 fat loss methods for busy moms

12:35 / Posted by kreid / comments (0)

Would you like to "jump start" your metabolism and lose your ‘mommy belly' once and for all? If so, the following seven tips are exactly what you need to improve your workouts and ignite your metabolism. Try some or all of these tips, but beware, the result may be a number of admiring second glances and the need to pull your ‘skinny jeans' out of the closet.

1. The majority of your workouts should be composed of free-weight, bodyweight or cable exercises.

Compared to machines, free-weight, bodyweight and cable movements often require more skill, create muscular balance, and have a greater metabolic cost. For example, it is more difficult to balance the weights, and to coordinate muscles when performing free-weight exercises. Although this may sound like a disadvantage, it is actually a benefit. By balancing and stabilizing free-weights or cables you are working more muscles through a greater range of motion resulting in more muscles developed and more calories burned.

2. Use exercises that work more than one muscle at a time.

When focusing on fat loss, you can't worry about "shaping" exercises, instead you should use exercises that'll get you the biggest bang for your buck and work as many muscles as possible. Isolation exercises can be used at the end of a workout to work on a specific target area, but they just serve to supplement your core movements.

Virtually every savvy fitness professional is privy to the fact that compound exercises recruit the most muscle groups for any given body part.

If you seek lean, toned muscles and the increase in metabolism that comes with them, you must choose exercises that work as many different muscles as possible. One of the main reasons why squats are superior to leg extensions for improving your body is that they also work your butt, hamstrings and inner thighs in addition to toning your quadriceps while leg extensions focus on just the front of your thigh and don't really offer any other benefit. That same rationale hold true for arm exercises too. That's why dumbell presses and dips will are more valuable for your arms than triceps kickbacks and pushdowns.

A good rule of thumb is to use movements that will allow you to use the most weight. These will have a systemic effect on your body that'll help maintain or increase your lean muscle, and in turn ignite your metabolism.

3. Pair exercises.

Pair your exercises together so that you alternate between upper-body exercises and lower-body exercises or between exercises that target opposing muscle groups (e.g. chest and back).

This type of approach will keep your workouts short and efficient by eliminating much of the downtime that comes between sets of a single exercise since you are working on one movement while resting from another. This approach can also yield huge benefits in your mission to burn fat. Since you'll constantly be moving and keeping your heart rate elevated, you'll be burning far more calories than you would during a typical workout.

4. Keep your reps between 8 and 12.

Through research, it has been determined that the best range for building lean muscle is roughly between 8-12 reps. Since the main focus of your resistance training efforts is to gain lean body mass and stimulate your metabolism, this rep range fills the bill perfectly. "High reps for tone and fat loss" is one of the biggest (and most unproductive) training myths! Somehow the aerobics, yoga and Pilates' community have convinced us that when we perform bodyweight exercises or light resistance training for high reps, our muscles magically take on a beautiful shape without growing or bulging. On the other hand, if you challenge yourself with moderately heavy weights, your body will take on a bulky, unflattering appearance. If you believe this, you probably still believe in the Tooth Fairy!

5. Rest only 30 to 60 seconds between sets.

When you keep the rest periods under one minute, it's easier to stay focused on the task at hand and keeps your heart rate elevated. In addition, it forces your muscles to recover more quickly between sets, along with keeping your nervous system revved up.

If your first movement in an upper/lower body pair is squats, you might want to rest 60 seconds before attempting your second movement. However, if your first exercise is a fairly "easy" exercise, like lat pull downs, you might only wish to wait 30 seconds before doing the second part of the pair.

6. Perform total body workouts.

You must drop the notion that muscle groups work independently of one another. Muscles work together and should be trained that way. Besides, not only does this approach mean less time in the gym, but by working the whole body three times per week, you'll be maximizing the fat burning effect of your program.

7. Cardio is not the cure-all for fat loss.

Cardiovascular exercise aids in the creation of a caloric deficit, but the caloric expenditure during cardio is temporary. Strength training addresses the core of the problem by permanently increasing the rate at which the body burns calories by adding muscle. The best programs will include both strength training and cardiovascular training, but the core or the programs effectiveness is resistance training.

Take these strategies and incorporate them into your workout routine. Not only will you save a lot of time, but you'll also soon see a leaner and more toned body. Not to mention a few more turned heads and the re-emergence of your skinny jeans.

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Watch out for swimming shoulder injuries

14:28 / Posted by kreid / comments (1)

Before we talk about our main subject, shoulder injuries, here's a quick energy tip for women swimmers; for an easy way to keep your energy levels high during your swim workout, try eating peanut butter on whole-wheat crackers before.

Stay hydrated during a workout by drinking two 8-ounce (250ml) glasses of water 1 hour before. If you wait until you're thirsty - it's already too late!

Swimming and Shoulder Injuries in Women

Ladies, the biggest source of swimming injuries is the shoulder. Butterfly swimming is considered the stroke most likely to cause injury, with Freestyle (otherwise known as Front Crawl) coming second.

The shoulder is a very complex piece of anatomy. So if you have hurt your shoulder, it can be quite difficult for professionals to diagnose exactly which muscle has been injured. If your shoulder is hurting while you swim, it's best to decrease or temporarily stop the exercise that's hurting. You should consider staying away from the pool for at least a week or two.

Ask yourself what you might have been doing to cause pain; have you had a sudden increase in training distance or intensity? Keep increases in workload to less than 10% per week.

Are you using only one stroke during your workout?
You will gain more from cross training with other strokes.

We are often taught to 'reach and roll' when we put our hands in the water to start our pull. Might you be reaching too far and over-rotating, crossing over in freestyle when pulling? Don't over-stretch your shoulders in an attempt to increase the range of your stroke. Instead, back off a little and start your pull before your arm is fully extended. You might feel you are short-stroking a little bit, but the difference is slight.

Do you use hand paddles? Stop. Paddles put a great deal
of unnatural pressure on your shoulders and you likely don't really need them. Any use of hand paddle training devices while injured can add to a swimmer's problems. Most paddles will cause shoulder problems, given time. Instead, use leg fins so you can start going through the motions of your armstroke without much effort.

Concentrate on improving your leg action. Emphasize a steady, even kick to take pressure off your shoulders. As mentioned above, try fins for a while.

One of the most important things in stroke technique, when it comes to freestyle and avoiding shoulder injuries is to bend your elbows underwater during the pull. This is proper form and will keep you from putting your shoulder in an awkward position that leads to problems. You still want to roll your body, but instead of initiating the roll with your shoulders, snap your hips.

If you breathe to only one side, you will develop the muscles more on one side than the other. This could cause a shoulder problem. To avoid lop-sided strength, ensure you use bilateral (on both sides) breathing in your workouts.

You're Now In Rehab.
If you have a shoulder injury, according to the Mayo Clinic; initially consider use of an ice-pack (cryotherapy). Later, change to contrasting treatments of moist heat and an ice-pack, twice per day. Ensure you see your doctor if pain continues.

Special Exercises.
Employ pain-free isometric and elastic cord exercises with low resistance and a high number of repetitions two to three times daily. Using a 'theraband' or surgical tubing for some light resistance exercises can help in your rehabilitation. Exercises with these help strengthen your muscles without aggravating the injury.

Knee push-ups, regular push ups and wall leans (standing push ups against the wall), can help your conditioning program.

A shoulder injury forces you to slow down. When you've had some time away from swimming and are resuming training, always ease back into it. Start with something very light, like 800m the first day, 900m the next. Consider this as an opportunity to gently improve your stroke technique and drills, while you get back to full health.

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Yoga for the abs - exercising your stomach with yoga

14:24 / Posted by kreid / comments (0)

As you would already know, yoga is one of the major parts of any wellness routine. Practicing yoga can help you to reduce stress while at the same time exercise your body. You can also incorporate yoga in your stomach exercises which target the midsection. In yoga a number of positions or asanas exercise your stomach muscles. Do remember that in yoga there are several more advanced positions or asanas. As such you should always start with the easier ones first before working your way to the more complex positions. Asses your skill and comfort level before you try a certain asana. Don't take any risks. Start with one that is simple and work your way up to ones that are more complex once you have the strength and flexibility. And as always, with any exercise routine, do consult a professional before you begin and always spare some time for warm up to avoid any injury.


This is a stomach exercising asana. First lie on your back. You can opt for a towel or a mat to cushion your spine. Now bend both knees up to you chest until your thigh touches your stomach. Next, hug your knees in place and lock your fingers. Then lift up your head until your nose touches your knees. Take a deep breath and hold this position for thirty seconds. Now slowly release and lower yourself back to the starting position. You can also opt to do this exercise one leg at a time.


For this exercise, you start by lying on your stomach. Next place your hands underneath your shoulders. Now, raise your upper body off the ground by using your back muscles. Raise yourself until your head is upright. You must make sure not to push with your hands, as you want your back muscles to do the work. Hold yourself in this position for about thirty seconds before slowly lowering yourself back to starting position. Now in this exercise, even though you are making use of your back muscles to do all the work, this asana will help you to reduce your belly fat and helps to flatten your stomach.

The Bow

This is somewhat similar to the previous asana. You start with lying on your stomach. The difference is that in addition to curling your legs upward, you will also lift you upper torso. First bend your knees so that your feet come towards your head. With both hands, grab your ankles and pull with your hands while at the same time pushing with your legs. Do this so that only your stomach is on the floor. You should feel like you're making a circle. Keep your knees together throughout. Now hold this position for thirty seconds and then slowly release and return to your starting position.


Ok, this next asana is not as complicated as the name sounds. However, you do need to be flexible to be able to perform this asana. Start by lying on your back and having your arms overhead and legs straight. Extend all your limbs. You are now straight from head to toe. Next place your palms flat pointing up to the ceiling, and put your hands together. Now, contract your stomach muscles so that you can sit up, while keeping your back straight and your heads still over your head. Then, bend forward and grab your toes, placing your head in between your arms. Your face will touch your knees. Hold this position for about two minutes and then slowly release.

As you can see, yoga can help you to achieve that lean stomach that you've always wanted. Practice these asanas and you'll be on your way to a fitter and slimmer tummy.

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Resistance band exercises - easy isometric training at home

14:16 / Posted by kreid / comments (0)

One of the largest problems with those suffering from nerve diseases and disabilities is keeping up circulation. Because walking let alone, more strenuous exercise can be painful, even dangerous because of the impact involved, these people end up living very sedentary lives. Eventually, limb loss may ensue due to circulation problems. Fortunately, resistance band exercise can be used by these previously sedentary people. A few stretches go a long way to keeping the blood flowing through limbs.

The best part of resistance band exercise is there is virtually no impact. Multiple Sclerosis patients who can barely walk utilize resistance bands to keep the blood flowing through their legs by doing a few stretches with the band wrapped around one of their feet.

Resistance Band Exercise can also be performed by the very large. For the obese, exercise can be nearly impossibly and terribly daunting. A light, convenient resistance band can be used with little to no impact and without moving all parts of your body or supporting your own weight.

For the elderly, walking and swimming are always recommended. Though these are fantastic cardiovascular exercises, it is not really toning ones' muscles. Of course an elaborate home gym is not the right solution for an elderly person. They need the convenient, fun, and simple strength training that these bands can provide. Because there is virtually no set up and certainly no assembly required, any person can get their muscles toned up with a bit of colorful resistance training regardless of age.

Resistance Band training can increase in difficulty as muscle mass increases. Exercise bands are inexpensive; there is no large financial commitment. The intensity of resistance band exercise is only dependant on your ability; as your strength improves resistance bands allow you the flexibility to increase the intensity of your workout accordingly.

Children can even participate in a resistance band program to tone little muscles and inspire growth. It is a fun little quick exercise that can hold the attention of even the most rambunctious child. There are so many exercises that may be conducted with resistance bands that boredom is never a factor. Coaches have even begun to implement resistance band usage in sports to increase their players' flexibility and endurance.

There has been resurgence in the popularity of isometric exercise due to its use in physical therapy. Those that do not have a great deal of joint flexibility or cannot stress a muscle too much are recommended to use resistance bands in their recuperation. Physical therapists recommend and apply resistance band training in combination with isometric exercise to help patients reach their maximum range of motion, flexibility, strength, and endurance.

Resistance band exercise not only provides for excellent muscle build up, but it definitely increases one's flexibility and range of motion. For those suffering from any movement impairing disabilities, band exercise can ease the discomfort and improve upon one's limited range of motion.

Implementing a resistance band exercise program is by no means a cure all system. It must be combined with healthy eating and mild aerobic exercises in order to achieve total physical fitness. However, combined with these two aspects, resistance band exercise can assist in toning muscle, burning fat, and increasing overall health. Once you have acquired your resistance band, exercise as much as you feel comfortable doing to see the pounds fly and the muscles build.

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Tips for losing weight after pregnancy

14:10 / Posted by kreid / comments (0)

It's inevitable that a pregnant woman will gain weight. Some lucky women manage to lose all the weight again afterwards. For other, the extra weight seems almost impossible to get rid of.

It's a sensisble idea to talk to your doctor about this during your pre-natal check ups. However, considering the hormonal craziness that pregnancy brings, the bizarre urges for all sorts of foods, and the significantly decreases exercise that a pregnant woman can carry out, it's not always easy to follow this advice.

That brings us to the crux of the matter. How do you lose the extra flab?

You may be eating lots of so-called "comfort food" to deal with stress or sad feelings, sometimes called post-natal or post-partum depression. This is completely normal, and best of all, it's treatable - so you don't need to allow it to take over. Have a chat with your doctor if you're concerned.

Planning to breastfeed? Getting nutritional advice from your doctor would be a good idea. Happily, nursing your new baby may actually help you lose the extra pounds - but make sure you don't short-change the baby (or yourself!) by going on a fad diet.

Get back into your daily routine as soon as you can. Don't over do it, of course, but start moving again if you tended to sit a lot during your pregnancy. When it comes to health and exercise, bad habits can easily creep in.

To help you get back into walking for exercise, think about getting a front carrier or sling so you can take your baby with you on short walks through the neighborhood instead of always putting him in the stroller. The baby will enjoy being close to mom, and you'll have more fun, too.

Since you now have a new family, it's a good idea to learn as much as you can about healthy eating, so all of you can feel your best and be as healthy as possible. If you've slipped into sloppy eating habits during your pregnancy because cooking right just seemed like too much trouble, now is the time to snap out of it and put those veggies back on the menu.

Eat a big salad at the beginning of every meal, and make them fun - with lots of variety and taste - so it starts to become second nature. Be sure to always have more vegetables on your plate than anything else, as well, because that way you'll be able to fill up without the carbohydrates and calories in bread, pasta, red meat and sweets.

The one thing that will be the most helpful to you is to remember that the way you eat now will influence your new child's health for many years to come. Many people have discovered that they have a hard time losing weight until they realize their own eating habits may be hurting their kids.

Doing something for yourself might feel like a waste of time, or too much work, (especially if it means cooking a real meal instead of ordering a takeaway), but doing the same thing for people you love is fun and gives a real sense of satisfacion. Of course, your baby wont be eating those veggies for a while, but you'll want to get in the habit now.

You'll probably discover that it's easier to stay committed to your baby's health than your own. It's just human nature. Fortunately, good eating habits help both of you stay healthy, and it will help you lose weight.

If your baby grows up in a household where natural, healthy food is always on the table, and where treats are only given only on special occasions, your child will grow up strong and healthy. If you take the time now to learn how to eat right, you'll naturally lose your that extra weight and your whole family will benefit from your healthy habits.

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5 elements of a successful wedding fitness plan

14:08 / Posted by kreid / comments (0)

It's almost time for your wedding. Just a few months, or even weeks away. So take some time now to plan your fitness plan so you'll look your best on that big day.

How, you ask? If you want to look your absolute best on that precious day - start with your wedding fitness plan right now.

To get the most from your fitness plan you'll need to combine 5 elements:

1. Supportive Nutrition

2. Resistance Training

3. Cardio Training

4. Mental Training

5. Social Support

1. Supportive Nutrition

Eating the right foods to support your weight loss and toning efforts. You don't have to make a science out of it. Just eat 5 or 6 quality meals with lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and healthy grains here and there and you'll quickly look your best for your Wedding.

2. Resistance Training

Any form of exercise that adds an external load on your muscles. That load can be your body in the form of squats, push-ups, sit-ups, or it can be dumbbells. A few times per week for half an hour is enough to get your body in better shape for that wedding dress.

3. Cardio Training

Any moderate activity that raises your heart rate for 20-30 minutes. Swimming, jogging, sports, hiking, or any other activity you enjoy. This will help condition your heart and burn extra calories helping to trim off body fat for you wedding.

4. Mental Training

A significant portion of wedding fitness is purely "mental". Keeping yourself motivated to stay on track and continue to make progress no matter how discouraged you may get. Staying on track and making continual progress toward your goal, knowing that as long as you keep making progress you will reach your goal and look fabulous on your wedding day.

5. Social Support

Whether it's from friends, family, a coach, church or your neighborhood women's group, research shows that programs which include social support always have better outcomes than those without.

Why is social support so effective - one word, accountability. In one study participants in a fitness program were 22 times more likely to stick with it when held accountable through weekly contact.

When stress and other pressures of life are dragging you down, you can look to your social support members for that extra boost of motivation. If your family and friends aren't there for you when you need it most, getting some help from a qualified fitness professional may be just what you need. A great friend of mine uses these 5 techniques to help fitness models and others achieve better bodies.

The most important thing you can know - you need to get going right away and use your time wisely. It may take you 10, 20 or even 30 weeks, depending on where you're at right now.

Aim for 1-2 pounds of "fat loss" per week. Now mind you this isn't "weight loss". Nearly anyone can lose pounds on the scale (although this is not fat weight). That's not what you're after. That will just cause you to look like a skinnier fat version of yourself.

Losing fat will help reveal your shapely figure so you can look lean, toned and sexy in your wedding dress.

If your end goal is to drop 10-20 pounds then aim for between 5 and 10 weeks to allow plenty of time to safely drop that weight.

Remember, this is a once in a lifetime event - your Wedding. Just ask yourself, "how do you want to look on your wedding day". Figure out that answer and do what it takes.

If you need help with your wedding fitness or nutrition plan, hiring a Fitness Coach or Personal Trainer can be just what you need to kick start your program and guarantee your fitness success.

Get started now and expect results! And when your wedding day comes you'll jump with joy about how your body looks in your wedding dress.

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Protein and working out - it won't make you fat, honest

13:56 / Posted by kreid / comments (0)

Just when you start to sit back and think that all the old archaic myths, are startin' to die off, they seem to spring back to life and surprise you.

This is one that I heard from a client the other day, as was told to her by a family member and a by a friend, all on the same day.

It goes something like this:

"Protein has too many calories"


"I don't want to bulk up"

or, lastly

"Protein powder will make me fat"

These three myths are generally used as objections to the guideline of consuming 1gram protein / 1 lb bodyweight

First let's took a look the calorie issue, a scoop of protein powder generally has between 80-120 calories per scoop.

Here are some food items that someone may likely be already eating that this could equate to calorically:

-1/2 of a banana

-1 slice of bread

-1 of those little 100 caloric snack packs

-1/2 of a 20 ounce bottle of regular soda

As you can see the bang for the buck as far as quality nutrients are concerned is by far and away on the side of that 1 little scoop of protein.

(While we are on the topic protein a preferable, the source of protein powder is one of the many versions of whey or casseinate protein powders available. They are simply of higher quality, generally taste better, and are more usable by the body than the soy versions)

On last 'food for thought' moment with this first statement, carbohydrate and protein carry the exact same calorie amount per gram.

Next, let's take a look at the myth of protein causing one to become bulky. Let's look at if from a couple different angles.

First let's define 'bulk' I think we can safely define bulk as taking up more space or becoming 'larger' by volume.

It is also accurate to say that fat takes up a lot more space than lean muscle tissue.

Thus the fastest way to gain 'bulk' would be to stop/reduce exercising and increase/or even maintain nutritional intake.

If you take a look around you'll see that most Americans have a pretty good handle on the 'bulking' aspect, we're not so good at the lean muscle part.

There is no relevancy of protein to 'bulking'

While it is true the protein is critical for maintain and building lean muscle; which is exactly what we hope will happen, because muscle is metabolism.

If your thought process is that you will through the simple act of consuming protein gain mounds and mounds of muscle miraculously, you have sorely misled.

Either that or I need to find some of that 'miracle protein powder', I wouldn't mind not having to do any work and have muscle appear on my body through the simple act of drink protein powder.

If you are a woman who is 30, 40, or even 50 yrs old, you have nothing to worry about.

Packing on the muscle, and turning in Arnold Schwarzenegger's twin sister is not likely to happen, if it was there would be plenty of 25yr old testosterone soaked males that would be loving life as an Arnold look-alike.

The short story is: if putting on heaps of muscle were that easy a lot more males would have some.

The real hang up most individuals have with all this is that they are being asked to significantly change one of their most closely held, highly engrained habits of being emotionally and physically attached to carbohydrate.

They are being asked to perform a caloric swap between carbohydrate and protein in order to get their protein intake up to appropriate levels, many people especially women may need to up their protein intake 50%-200% depending on their current status.

What does this look like by the numbers - take a 160lb women (which just happens to be about the weight of the average American woman.)

She is likely only taking in 40-80 grams of protein per day not good.

She needs to be in the 160 gram range.

What does this look like, well let me give you a couple instances of what this might look like in the real world.

(these are only example to show you what this might look like a daily scale.)

It could be 8 scoops of protein powder containing 20grams of protein per scoop.


It could be 4- 4 ounce chicken breast (about the size of your out stretched hand per day. Or a variety of other animal source lean proteins.)

The goal of this article was to crush one of the long held myths in fitness and to shed some light on how truly valuable protein is in the quest for leanness.

If you work on breaking some of your old habits and work on getting your protein content right.

A new leaner body will thank you.

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