Keeping fit at work

01:53 / Posted by kreid /

Most of our lifetimes are spent at our work places. With all the other things that keep us busy in our free time, it makes sense to keep fit at work. Only a fit person can pay his/her full potential in work.

Sadly, most people are desk bound at work. We cannot all be postmen or women! Our bodies were made to move though. The more active the better. Giving our bodies the workout that they deserve also helps our minds to think clearer. So here are a few tips on how to keep fit at work.

Try some of the following tips to be fit at your workplace :-

- Park your car further away. You can also get off one bus stop too soon if you take the bus to work. Remember to wear comfortable shoes and to get earlier out of the house. If you drive to the bus/train station, why not walk there?

- Maintain a healthy diet when you are at work. No office biscuits. Try to have some fruit and vegetables at lunch. Fruit keeps you active at work and vegetables are good for your eyes and skin.

- Always take lots of water to work. Water provides essential minerals and oxygen in your body, which makes you feel more awake.

- Take a break after every 30 minutes and keep moving. Do not sit idle on your chair for more then 30 minutes. Keeping moving helps circulation and metabolism.

- Have something to eat on your table. When you are working in long working shifts, sometimes you forget to eat regularly.

- Do stretches at your desk. Place your hands behind your lower back while sitting up straight. Move your right ear toward your right shoulder and then slowly move your left ear toward your left shoulder. Then, look down at your desk while pulling in your stomach muscles and straighten your back. Then look up at the ceiling. These and other stretches can help protect your back during the working day.

- Sit on an exercise ball. Swapping your chair for a exercise ball / swiss ball necessitates balance, creates good posture and exercises your core muscles.

Sitting on an exercise ball while you work can improve your posture and strengthen your core

- Have a good meal, whether its a lunch, dinner or breakfast in office. And remember to take a walk after these meals. Walking keeps your digestive system ticking over.

- Go out for lunch. Don't go out to eat a huge meal. Take the time to walk to the nearest park to eat your sandwich from home there. You can go window shopping or go and get a sandwich from that nice deli three blocks away. Walk every week in another direction to discover another part of the area you work in.

- Don't use the elevator/lift. Climb the stairs, it does wonders for your backside. If you work, or live, in a very tall building you can get of the elevator a few floors lower than yours. You can add an extra floor of climbing stairs once a week.

- Make a good environment in office and be happy at work. Because a happy person can achieve lots of things in life. Make lots of friends at work. Give them advice and share your thoughts and ideas with them. Your motivation to stay healthy will stay high.

- Talk to your colleagues in person, rather than using the phone or email. If possible, get up and go and talk to them in person. You can tell them that you have send them an email with the information they were looking for! This also gets you away from the people pestering you at your desk!

- Make use of the facilities. Some workplaces have a gym that you can use during your lunch break. Maybe there is a gym just around the corner from where you work. Even a nearby swimming pool would be great for a few laps during your break.

- Ask your employer to help. Use your imagination - employers will be open to suggestions that keep their employees happy. Maybe you can convince them to install showers, for instance. Showers at work open up a lot of options. You can cycle to work, or even jog if it is not too far away. You can also go for a jog before work or during your lunch break.

Try all these above tips. The secret is to keep moving. Make other people tired of just looking at YOU. It will be hard in the beginning, that is guaranteed. But you once you have got your momentum going, you will be the fittest person at work.

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