4 Tips to get flatter abs

16:29 / Posted by kreid /

How do I get a flat tummy with some nice firm abs? This post will give you some easy to use and very simple tips that will help you out.


These are some very general tips. You can implement them all at once or take what you like and leave the rest. It is a good idea to collect as many useful abs tips as possible as you never know when they might be useful.

1. Train your lower abs first

The lower abs are smaller, weaker and usually less developed than their upper counter-parts. It is for this reason that you need to train them first. If you train the upper abs first the lower abs will be too tired to perform at their peak when it comes time to train them and as such won’t develop as fast.

The best lower abs exercises are one that use the legs. For exampl, leg raises and reverse crunches.

2. Diet, Diet, Diet

When I say diet I do NOT mean go on a crazy low carb, low fat diet that lasts for a month and makes you really unwell. What I mean is that diet is the most important thing when it comes to getting a flatter tummy and firmer abs. You need to remove the layer of fat on the abs to let the muscles show through. The best way to control that fat is through your diet.

Eating little but often and eating healthy meals is the best way to do this.

3. Constantly increase your intensity/work rate

When training the abs it is important not to do the same thing day in, day out for months at a time. At the gym I see scores of women doing the same abs workouts everytime they are there. Do they make progress? No. When you train your abs you should be constantly thinking of new ways to shock and push your abs muscles to grow, as well as your cardio which helps you burn more fat. Add weight, change the speed, add a twist - anything to make it a little different.

This also makes it fun and keeps you interested.

4. Don’t over work the abs

If you workout your abs too often the muscles will have no chance to rebuild. Muscle growth only occurs when the abs are worked and then have time to rebuild. If you work them too often you are really only being counter-productive. Three times a week should be the max.

Abs training should be fun. Try to mix it up and not let yourself do the same thing too often. This is always a big help on the road to getting a flatter tummy with better looking abs.

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