Continuing our theme of exercises you can do on the gym ball, let’s take a look at some stomach and abdomen tightening workouts you can do.
Number 1 – The gym ball crunch
Sit yourself on the ball with your feet flat on the floor. Let the ball roll back slowly and until your upper legs are parallel to the floor. The part of your back resting on the ball should be slightly above the small of your back. Contract your abdominals and raise your upper body as far as you can. slowly relax and repeat. Go for 3 sets of 10 at first. To work the oblique (side ab) muscles, move your feet closer together while performing the same technique. This will put you off balance, and your obliques will have to work hard to stabilize you.
Number 2 – The gym ball leg raise
This one will attack your lower abs, the lowest 2 of the six pack. The crunch isn’t so good at getting these muscles, so you need to do this in addition to the crunch exercise above. Lie on a bench or the ground, with your legs apart, and the exercise ball gripped by the inside of your feet. Keeping your legs straight, slowly raise the ball as far as you can and return. Do this for 3 sets of 10. You may find it helpful to hold some dumbbells in your hands to balance yourself.
Number 3 – Gym ball Exchanges
In this exercises, you will pass the ball between your hands and feet. Start off by lying on the ground with the ball held in your hands, with your arms straight. Bring your hands and feet together smoothly, passing the ball to your feet and lowering both your arms and legs to the floor smoothly. Repeat this exchange again, completing the cycle with the ball in your hands. Do 20-30 cycles.
This is a great exercise, and you will feel your abs working hard. Your inner thighs and shoulders will be working to grip the ball.
It’s important that you maintain good form during the exercise – don’t arch your back or strain your neck. Your arms and legs should move together, meet in the centre, and move away together.
Number 4 – Gym ball trunk extension
This exercise is for your lower back. Get down on your knees beside the ball and drape your upper body over the top of it, with your hands behind your head. Lift your chest off the fitness ball until your spine is straight or slightly extended. Return to starting position. Go for 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
Number 5 – Abdominal Rolls
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. With your hands on top of the ball, roll it up to near your knees. Lift your shoulder blades off the floor, roll the ball to the top of your knees, pause, then go back to starting position. This will work out your abs. You can probably comfortably do 4 sets of 12.
That’s all for now!!
Labels: abs, gym ball, swiss ball